Category Archives: children

What happens when a Regulator doesn’t regulate

The news is full of the exam Regulator Ofqual right now, since yesterday’s A-Level results came out. In the outcry over the clear algorithmic injustice and inexplicable data-driven results, the data regulator, the Information Commissioner (ICO) remains silent.**

I have been told the Regulators worked together from early on in the process. So did this collaboration help or hinder the thousands of students and children whose rights the Regulators are supposed to work to protect?

I have my doubts, and here is why.

My child’s named national school records

On April 29, 2015 I wrote to the Department for Education (DfE) to ask for a copy of the data that they held about my eldest child in the National Pupil Database (NPD). A so-called Subject Access Request. The DfE responded on 12 May 2015 and refused, claiming an exemption, section 33(4) of the Data Protection Act 1998. In effect saying it was a research-only, not operational database.

Despite being a parent of three children in state education in England, there was no clear information available to me what the government held in this database about my children. Building on what others in civil society had done before, I began research into what data was held. From where it was sourced and how often it was collected. Who the DfE gave the data to. For what purposes. How long it was kept. And I discovered a growing database of over 20 million individuals, of identifying and sensitive personal data, that is given away to commercial companies, charities, think tanks and press without suppression of small numbers and is never destroyed.

My children’s confidential records that I entrusted to school, and much more information they create that I never see, is given away for commercial purposes and I don’t get told which companies have it, why, or have any control over it? What about my Right to Object? I had imagined a school would only share statistics with third parties without parents’ knowledge or being asked. Well that’s nothing compared with what the Department does with it all next.

My 2015 complaint to the ICO

On October 6, 2015 I made a complaint to the Information Commissioner’s Office (the ICO). Admittedly, I was more naïve and less well informed than I am today, but the facts were clear.

Their response in April 2016, was to accept the DfE position, “at the stage at which this data forms part of its evidence base for certain purposes, it has been anonymised, aggregated and is statistical in nature.  Therefore, for the purposes of the DPA, at the stage at which the DfE use NPD data for such purposes, it no longer constitutes personal data in any event.”

The ICO was “satisfied that the DfE met the criteria needed to rely on the exemption contained at section 33(4) of the DPA” and was justified in not fulfilling my request.

And “in relation to your concerns about the NPD and the adequacy of the privacy notice provided by the DfE, in broad terms, we consider it likely that this complies with the relevant data protection principles of the DPA.”

The ICO claimed “the processing does not cause any substantial damage or distress to individuals and that any results of the research/statistics are not made available in a form which identifies data subjects.”

The ICO kept its eyes wide shut

In secret in July 2015, the DfE had started to supply the Home Office with the matched personal details of children from the NPD, including home address. The Home Office requested this for purposes including to further the Hostile Environment. (15.1.2) which I only discovered in detail one year to the day after my ICO complaint, on October 6, 2016. The rest is public.

Had the ICO investigated the uses of national pupil data a year earlier in 2015-16, might it have prevented this ongoing gross misuse of children’s personal data and public and professional trust?

The ICO made no public statement despite widespread media coverage throughout 2016 and legal action on the expansion of the data, and intended use of children’s  nationality and country-of-birth.

Identifying and sensitive not aggregated and  statistical

Since 2012 the DfE has given away the sensitive and identifying personal confidential data of over 23 million people without their knowledge, in over 1600 unique requests, that are not anonymous.

In 2015 there was no Data Protection Impact Assessment. The Department had done zero audits of data users after sending them identifying pupil data. There was no ethics process or paperwork.

Today in England pupil data are less protected than across the rest of the UK. The NPD is being used as a source for creating a parent polling panel. Onward data sharing is opaque but some companies continue to receive named data and have done so for many years. It is a linked dataset with over 25 different collections, and includes highly sensitive children’s social care data, is frequently expanded, its content scope grows increasiningly sensitive, facilitates linkage to external datasets including children at risk and for policing,  and has been used in criminology interventions which did harm and told children they were involved because they were “the worst kids.” Data has been given to journalists and a tutoring company. It has been sought after by Americans even if not (yet?) given to them.

Is the ICO a help or hindrance to protect children and young people’s data rights?

Five years ago the ICO told me the named records in the national pupil database was not personal data. Five years on, my legal team and I await a final regulatory response from the ICO that I hope will protect the human rights of my children, the millions currently in education in England whose data are actively collected, the millions aged 18-37 affected whose data were collected 1996-2012 but who don’t know, and those to come.

It has come at significant personal and legal costs and I welcome any support. It must be fixed. The question is whether the information rights Regulator is a help or hindrance?

If the ICO is working with organisations that have broken the law, or that plan dubious or unethical data processing, why is the Regulator collaborating to enable processing and showing them how to smooth off the edges rather than preventing harm and protecting rights? Can the ICO be both a friend and independent enforcer?

Why does it decline to take up complaints on behalf of parents that similarly affect millions of children in the UK and worldwide about companies that claim to use AI on their website but tell the ICO it’s just computing really. Or why has it given a green light on the reuse of religion and ethnicity from schools without consent, and tells the organisation they can later process it to make it anonymous, and keep all the personal data indefinitely?

I am angry at their inaction, but not as angry as thousands of children and their parents who know they have been let down by  data-led decisions this month, that to them are inexplicable.

Thousands of children who are caught up in the algorithmic A-Level debacle and will be in next week’s GCSE processes believe they have been unfairly treated through the use of their personal data and have no clear route of redress. Where is the voice of the Regulator? What harm should they have prevented but didn’t through inaction?

What is the point of all the press and posturing on an Age Appropriate Code of Practice which goes beyond the scope of data protection, if the ICO cannot or will not enforce on its core remit or support the public it is supposed to serve?

Update: This post was published at midday on Friday Aust 14. In the late afternoon the ICO did post a short statement on the A-levels crisis, and also wrote to me regarding one of these cases via email.

Damage that may last a generation.

Hosted by the Mental Health Foundation, it’s Mental Health Awareness Week until 24th May, 2020. The theme for 2020 is ‘kindness’.

So let’s not comment on the former Education Ministers and MPs, the great-and-the-good and the-recently-resigned, involved in the Mail’s continued hatchet job on teachers. They probably believe that they are standing up for vulnerable children when they talk about the “damage that may last a generation“. Yet the evidence of much of their voting, and policy design to-date, suggests it’s much more about getting people back to work.

Of course there are massive implications for children in families unable to work or living with the stress of financial insecurity on top of limited home schooling. But policy makers should be honest about the return to school as an economic lever, not use children’s vulnerability to pressure professionals to return to full-school early, or make up statistics to up the stakes.

The rush to get back to full-school for the youngest of primary age pupils has been met with understandable resistance, and too few practical facts. Going back to a school in COVID-19 measures for very young children, will take tonnes of adjustment, to the virus, to seeing friends they cannot properly play with, to grief and stress.

When it comes to COVID-19 risk, many countries with similar population density to the UK, locked down earlier and tighter and now have lower rates of community transmission than we do. Or compare where didn’t, Sweden, but that has a population density of 24 people per Km2. The population density for the United Kingdom is 274 people per square kilometre. In Italy, with 201 inhabitants per square kilometre,  you needed a permission slip to leave home.

And that’s leaving aside the unknowns on COVID-19 immunity, or identifying it, or the lack of testing offer to over a million children under-5,  the very group expected to be those who return first to full-school.

Children have rights to education, and to life, survival and development. But the blanket target groups and target date, don’t appear to take the Best Interests of The Child, for each child, into account at all. ‘Won’t someone think of the children?’ may never have been more apt.

Parenting while poor is highly political

What’s the messaging in the debate, even leaving media extremes aside?

The sweeping assumption by many commentators that ‘the poorest children will have learned nothing‘ (BBC Newsnight, May 19) is unfair, but this blind acceptance as fact, a politicisation of parenting while poor, conflated with poor parenting, enables the claimed concern for their vulnerability to pass without question.

Many of these most vulnerable children were not receiving full time education *before* the pandemic but look at how it is told.

It would be more honest in discussion or publishing ‘statistics’ around the growing gap expected if children are out of school, to consider what the ‘excess’ gap will be and why. (Just like measuring excess deaths, not only those people who died and had been tested for COVID-19.) Thousands of vulnerable children were out of school already, due tobudget decisions that had left local authorities unable to fulfil their legal obligation to provide education.’

Pupil Referral Units were labeled “a scandal” in 2012 and only last year the constant “gangs at the gates” narrative was highly political.

“The St Giles Trust research provided more soundbites. Pupils involved in “county lines” are in pupil referral units (PRUs), often doing only an hour each day, and rarely returning into mainstream education.’ (Steve Howell, Schools Week)

Nearly ten years on, there is still lack of adequate support for children in Alternative Provision and a destructive narrative of “us versus them”.

Source: @sarahkendzior

The value of being in school

Schools have remained open for children of key workers and more than half a million pupils labeled as ‘vulnerable’, which includes those classified as “children in need” as well as 270,000 children with an education, health and care (EHC) plan for special educational needs.  Not all of those are ‘at risk’ of domestic violence or abuse or neglect. The reasons why there is low turnout, tend to be conflated.

Assumptions abound about the importance of formal education and the best place for those very young children in Early Years (age 2-5) to be in school at all, despite conflicting UK evidence, that is thin on the ground. Research for the NFER [the same organisation running the upcoming Baseline Test of four year olds still due to begin this year] (Sharp, 2002), found:

“there would appear to be no compelling educational rationale for a statutory school age of five or for the practice of admitting four-year-olds to school reception classes.” And “a late start appears to have no adverse effect on children’s progress.”

Later research from 2008, from the IoE, Research Report No. DCSF-RR061 (Sylva et al, 2008) commissioned before the then ‘new’ UK Government took office in 2010, suggested better outcomes for children who are in excellent Early Years provision, but also pointed out that more often the most vulnerable are not those in the best of provision.

“quality appears to be especially important for disadvantaged groups.”

What will provision quality be like, under Coronavirus measures? How much stress-free space and time for learning will be left at all?

The questions we should be asking are a) What has been learned for the second wave and b) Assume by May 2021 nothing changes. What would ideal schooling look like, and how do we get there?

Attainment is not the only gap

While it is not compulsory to be in any form of education, including home education, till your fifth birthday in England, most children start school at age 4 and turn five in the course of the year. It is one of the youngest starts in Europe.  Many hundreds of thousands of children start formal education in the UK even younger from age 2 or three. Yet is it truly better for children? We are way down the Pisa attainment scores, or comparable regional measures.  There has been little change in those outcomes in 13 years, except to find that our children are measured as being progressively less happy.

“As Education Datalab points out, the PISA 2018 cohort started school around 2008, so their period at school not only lines up with the age of austerity and government cuts, but with the “significant reforms” to GCSEs introduced by Michael Gove while he was Education Secretary.”  [source: Schools Week, 2019]

There’s no doubt that some of the harmful economic effects of Brexit will be attributed to the effects of the pandemic. Similarly, many of the outcomes of ten years of policy that have increased  children’s vulnerability and attainment gap, pre-COVID-19, will no doubt be conflated with harms from this crisis in the next few years.

The risk of the acceptance of misattributing this gap in outcomes, is a willingness to adopt misguided solutions, and deny accountability.

Children’s vulnerability

Many experts in children’s needs, have been in their jobs much longer than most MPs and have told them for years the harm their policies are doing to the very children, those voices now claim to want to protect. Will the MPs look at that evidence and act on it?

More than a third of babies are living below the poverty line in the UK. The common thread in many [UK] families’ lives, as Helen Barnard, deputy director for policy and partnerships for the Joseph Rowntree Foundation described in 2019, is a rising tide of work poverty sweeping across the country.” Now the Coronavirus is hitting those families harder too. The ONS found that in England the death rate  in the most deprived areas is 118% higher than in the least deprived.

Charities speaking out this week, said that in the decade since 2010, local authority spending on early intervention services dropped by 46% but has risen on late intervention, from 58% to 78% of spending on children and young people’s services over the same period.

If those advocating for a return to school, for a month before the summer, really want to reduce children’s vulnerability, they might sort out CAMHs for simultaneous support of the return to school, and address those areas in which government must first do no harm. Fix these things that increase the “damage that may last a generation“.

Case studies in damage that may last

Adoption and Children (Coronavirus) (Amendment) Regulations 2020’

Source: Children’s Commissoner (April 2020)

“These regulations make significant temporary changes to the protections given in law to some of the most vulnerable children in the country – those living in care.” ” I would like to see all the regulations revoked, as I do not believe that there is sufficient justification to introduce them. This crisis must not remove protections from extremely vulnerable children, particularly as they are even more vulnerable at this time. As an urgent priority it is essential that the most concerning changes detailed above are reversed.”

CAMHS: Mental health support

Source: Local Government Association CAMHS Facts and Figures

“Specialist services are turning away one in four of the children referred to them by their GPs or teachers for treatment. More than 338,000 children were referred to CAMHS in 2017, but less than a third received treatment within the year. Around 75 per cent of young people experiencing a mental health problem are forced to wait so long their condition gets worse or are unable to access any treatment at all.”

“Only 6.7 per cent of mental health spending goes to children and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS). Government funding for the Early Intervention Grant has been cut by almost £500 million since 2013. It is projected to drop by a further £183 million by 2020.

“Public health funding, which funds school nurses and public mental health services, has been reduced by £600 million from 2015/16 to 2019/20.”

Child benefit two-child limit

Source: May 5, Child Poverty Action Group
“You could not design a policy better to increase child poverty than this one.” source: HC51 House of Commons Work and Pensions Committee
The two-child limit Third Report of Session 2019 (PDF, 1 MB)

“Around sixty thousand families forced to claim universal credit since mid-March because of COVID-19 will discover that they will not get the support their family needs because of the controversial ‘two-child policy”.

Housing benefit

Source: the Poverty and Social Exclusion in the United Kingdom research project funded by the Economic and Social Research Council.

“The cuts [introduced from 2010 to the 2012 budget] in housing benefit will adversely affect some of the most disadvantaged groups in society and are likely to lead to an increase in homelessness, warns the homeless charity Crisis.”

Legal Aid for all children

Source: The Children’s Society, Cut Off From Justice, 2017

“The enactment of the Legal Aid, Punishment and Sentencing of Offenders Act 2012 (LASPO) has had widespread consequences for the provision of legal aid in the UK. One key feature of the new scheme, of particular importance to The Children’s Society, were the changes made to the eligibility criteria around legal aid for immigration cases. These changes saw unaccompanied and separated children removed from scope for legal aid unless their claim is for asylum, or if they have been identified as victims of child trafficking.”

“To fulfill its obligations under the UNCRC, the Government should reinstate legal aid for all unaccompanied and separated migrant children in matters of immigration by bringing it back within ‘scope’ under the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act 2012. Separated and unaccompanied children are super-vulnerable.”

Library services

Source: CIPFA’s annual library survey 2018

“the number of public libraries and paid staff fall every year since 2010, with spending reduced by 12% in Britain in the last four years.” “We can view libraries as a bit of a canary in the coal mine for what is happening across the local government sector…” “There really needs to be some honest conversations about the direction of travel of our councils and what their role is, as the funding gap will continue to exacerbate these issues.”

No recourse to public funds: FSM and more

source: NRPF Network
“No recourse to public funds (NRPF) is a condition imposed on someone due to their immigration status. Section 115 Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 states that a person will have ‘no recourse to public funds’ if they are ‘subject to immigration control’.”

“children only get the opportunity to apply for free school meals if their parents already receive certain benefits. This means that families who cannot access these benefits– because they have what is known as “no recourse to public funds” as a part of their immigration status– are left out from free school meal provision in England.”

Sure Start

Source: Institute for Fiscal Studies (2019)

“the reduction in hospitalisations at ages 5–11 saves the NHS approximately £5 million, about 0.4% of average annual spending on Sure Start. But the types of hospitalisations avoided – especially those for injuries – also have big lifetime costs both for the individual and the public purse”.

Youth Services

Source: Barnardo’s (2019) New research draws link between youth service cuts and rising knife crime.

“Figures obtained by the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Knife Crime show the average council has cut real-terms spending on youth services by 40% over the past three years. Some local authorities have reduced their spending – which funds services such as youth clubs and youth workers – by 91%.”

Barnardo’s Chief Executive Javed Khan said:

“These figures are alarming but sadly unsurprising. Taking away youth workers and safe spaces in the community contributes to a ‘poverty of hope’ among young people who see little or no chance of a positive future.”

A fresh start for edtech? Maybe. But I wouldn’t start from here.

In 1924 the Hibbert Journal published what is accepted as the first printed copy of a well-known joke.

A genial Irishman, cutting peat in the wilds of Connemara, was once asked by a pedestrian Englishman to direct him on his way to Letterfrack. With the wonted enthusiasm of his race the Irishman flung himself into the problem and, taking the wayfarer to the top of a hill commanding a wide prospect of bogs, lakes, and mountains, proceeded to give him, with more eloquence than precision, a copious account of the route to be taken. He then concluded as follows: ‘Tis the divil’s own country, sorr, to find your way in. But a gintleman with a face like your honour’s can’t miss the road; though, if it was meself that was going to Letterfrack, faith, I wouldn’t start from here.’

Ty Goddard asked some sensible questions in TES on April 4 on the UK edTech strategy, under the overarching question, ‘A fresh start for edtech? Maybe. But the road is bumpy.’

We’d hope so, since he’s on the DfE edTech board and aims “to accelerate the edtech sector in Britain and globally.”

“The questions now being asked are whether you can protect learning at a time of national emergency? Can you truly connect educators working from home with their pupils?”

and he rightly noted that,

“One problem schools are now attempting to overcome is that many lack the infrastructure, experience and training to use digital resources to support a wholesale move to online teaching at short notice.”

He calls for “bold investment and co-ordination across Whitehall led by Downing Street to really set a sprint towards super-fast connectivity to schools, pupils’ homes and investment in actual devices for students. The Department for Education, too, has done much to think through our recent national edtech strategy – now it needs to own and explain it.”

But the own and explain it, is the same problematic starting point as care-data had in the NHS in 2014. And we know how that went.

The edTech demands and drive for the UK are not a communications issue. Nor are they simply problems of infrastructure, or the age-old idea of shipping suitable tech at scale. The ‘fresh start’ isn’t going to be what anyone wants, least of all the edTech evangelists if we start from where they are.

Demonstrators of certain programmes, platforms, and products to promote to others and drive adoption, is ‘the divil’s own country‘.

The edTech UK strategy in effect avoided online learning, and the reasons for that were not public knowledge but likely well founded. They’re mostly unevidenced and often any available research comes from the companies themselves or their partners and promoter think tanks and related, or self interested bodies.

I’ve not seen anyone yet talk about disadvantage and deprivation from not issuing course curriculum standard text books to every child.  Why on earth can secondary schools not afford to give each child their text book home? A darn sight cheaper than tech, independent of data costs and a guide to exactly what the exams will demand. Should we not seek to champion the most appropriate and equitable learning solutions, in addition to, rather than exclusively, the digital ones? GSCE children I support(ed) in foreign languages each improved once they had written materials. Getting out Chromebooks by contrast, simply interfered in the process, and wasted valuable classroom time.

Technology can deliver most vital communications, at speed and scale. It can support admin, expand learning and level the playing field through accessible tools. But done wrongly, it makes things worse than without.

Its procurement must assess any potential harmful consequences and safeguard against them, and not accept short term benefits, at the cost of long term harm. It should be safe, fair, and transparent.

“Responsible technology is no longer a nice thing to do to look good, it’s becoming a fundamental pillar of corporate business models. In a post-Cambridge Analytica world, consumers are demanding better technology and more transparency. Companies that do create those services are the ones that will have a better, brighter future.”

Kriti Sharma, VP of AI, Sage, (Doteveryone 2019 event, Responsible Technology)

The hype of ‘edTech’ achievement in the classroom so far, far outweighs the evidence of delivery. Neil Selwyn, Professor in the Faculty of Education, Monash University, Australia, writing in the Impact magazine of the Chartered College in January 2019 summed up:

“the impacts of technology use on teaching and learning remain uncertain. Andreas Schleicher – the OECD’s director of education – caused some upset in 2015 when suggesting that ICT has negligible impact on classrooms. Yet he was simply voicing what many teachers have long known: good technology use in education is very tricky to pin down.”

That won’t stop edTech being part of the mainstay of the UK export strategy post-Brexit whenever that may now be. But let’s be very clear that if the Department wants to be a world leader it shouldn’t promote products whose founders were last most notably interviewing fellow students online about their porn preferences. Or who are based in offshore organisations with very odd financial structures. Do your due diligence. Work with reputable people and organisations and build a trustworthy network of trustworthy products framed by the rule of law, that is rights’ respecting and appropriate to children. But don’t start with the products.

Above all build a strategy for education, for administrative support, for respecting rights, and for teaching in which tools that may or may not be technology-based add value; but don’t start with the product promotion.

To date the aims are to serve two masters. Our children’s education, and the UK edTech export strategy. You can if you’re prepared to do the proper groundwork, but it’s lacking right now. What is certain, is that if you get it wrong for UK children, the other will inevitably fail.

Covid19 must not be misused to direct our national edTech strategy. I wouldn’t start from here isn’t a joke, it’s a national call for change.

Here’s ten reasons where, why, and how to start instead.

1. The national edTech strategy board should start by demonstrating what it wants to see from others, with full transparency of its members, aims, terms of reference, partners and meeting minutes. There should be no need FOI to ask for them. There are much more sensitive subjects that operate in the open. It unfortunately emulates other DfE strategy, and the UK edTech network which has an in-crowd, and long standing controlling members. Both would be the richer for transparency and openness.

2. Stop bigging up the ‘Big Three’  and doing their market monopolisation for them, unless you want people to see you simply as promoting your friends’-on-the-board/foundation/ethics committee’s products. Yes,” many [educational settings] lack the infrastructure” but that should never mean encouraging ownership and delivery by only closed commercial partners.  That is the route to losing control of your state education curriculum, staff training  and (e)quality,  its delivery, risk management, data,  and cost control.

3. Start with designing for fairness in public sector systems. Minimum acceptable ethical standards could be framed around for example, accessibility, design, and restrictions on commercial exploitation and in-product advertising. This needs to be in place first, before fitting products ‘on top’ of an existing unfair, and imbalanced system, to avoid embedding disadvantage and the commodification of children in education, even further.

5. Accessibility and Internet access is a social justice issue.  Again as we’ve argued for at defenddigitalme for some time, these come *before* you promote products on top of the delivery systems:

  • Accessibility standards for all products used in state education should be defined and made compulsory in procurement processes, to ensure access for all and reduce digital exclusion.
  • All schools must be able to connect to high-speed broadband services to ensure equality of access and participation in the educational, economic, cultural and social opportunities of the world wide web.
  • Ensure a substantial improvement in support available to public and school library networks. CILIP has pointed to CIPFA figures of a net reduction of 178 libraries in England between 2009-10 and 2014-15.

6. Core national education infrastructure must be put on the national risk register, as we’ve argued for previously at defenddigitalme (see 6.6). Dependence such as MS Office 365, major cashless payment systems, and Google for Education all need assessed and to be part of the assessment for regular and exceptional delivery of education. We currently operate in the dark. And it should be unthinkable that companies get seats at the national UK edTech strategy table without full transparency over questions on their practices, policy and meeting the rule of law.

7. Shift the power balance back to schools and families, where they can trust an approved procurement route, and children and legal guardians can trust school staff to only be working with suppliers that are not overstepping the boundaries of lawful processing. Incorporate (1) the Recommendation CM/Rec(2018)7 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on Guidelines to respect, protect and fulfil the rights of the child in the digital environment  and (2) respect the UN General comment No. 16 (2013) on State obligations regarding the impact of the business sector on children’s rights, across the education and wider public sector.

8. Start with teacher training. Why on earth is the national strategy all about products, when it should be starting with people?

  • Introduce data protection and pupil privacy into basic teacher training, to support a rights-respecting environment in policy and practice, using edTech and broader data processing, to give staff the clarity, consistency and confidence in applying the high standards they need.
  • Ensure ongoing training is available and accessible to all staff for continuous professional development.
  • A focus on people, nor products, will deliver fundamental basics needed for good tech use.

9. Safe data by design and default. I’m tired of hearing from CEOs of companies that claim to be social entrepreneurs, or non-profit, or teachers who’ve designed apps, how well intentioned their products are. Show me instead. Meet the requirements of the rule of law.

  • Local systems must stop shipping out (often sensitive) pupil data at scale and speed to companies, and instead stay in control of terms and conditions, data purposes, and ban product developments for example.
  • Companies must stop using pupil data for their own purposes for profit, or to make inferences about autism or dyslexia for example, if that’s not your stated product aim, it’s likely unlawful.
  • Stop national pupil data distribution for third-party reuse. Start safe access instead.  And get the Home Office out of education.
  • Establish fair and independent oversight mechanisms of national pupil data, so that transparency and trust are consistently maintained across the public sector, and throughout the chain of data use, from collection, to the end of its life cycle, including annual data usage reports for each child.

10. We need a law that works for children’s rights. Develop a legislative framework for the fair use of a child’s digital footprint from the classroom for direct educational and administrative purposes at local level, including commercial acceptable use policies.  Build the national edTech strategy with a rights’ based framework and lawful basis in an Education and Privacy Act. Without this, you are building on sand.

If schools close, what happens to children who need free school meals?

Here’s some collated questions, views and ideas from teachers, and eduTwitter and my thoughts on what could be done by government and schools. What is missing? What else is possible?

[Last edit: March 31, 11am, working document*, input welcome].

*Today’s guidance states a new policy position

Our school is open over the Easter holidays and our food supplier is able to continue to provide meals for children eligible for free school meals who are not in school. Is that allowed?

“Whilst the vouchers are for term time only, if there is a local arrangement to supply food that the school and the supplier intend to continue over this period then that can be agreed and managed locally. This would need to be manageable within schools’ existing resources, as there will not be additional funding available for this purpose.

This is unacceptable. At our tiny rural primary school parents have donated hundreds of pounds of personal money in the last month to feed local families’ children alone and support school with its extra costs, this is unsustainable as many themselves are now out of work or at reduced pay. — Ministers do not appear to understand the gravity of the situation.

Not scrapping FSM eligibility criteria (as set out in 10 Actions for Government to take now, below) and allowing schools to order the vouchers they need for families, rather than only allowing schools to get vouchers to those children that meet eligibility test criteria, will mean children are starving and schools already starved of funds, will feed them because they must through volunteer support where they can, but have to do so at their own expense.

This is wrong and must be fixed. The virus and its economic effects on millions of families, do not respect a two- week school holiday. Children in families with no recourse to public funds have nothing, and now have no work — or will have to go out to work to feed their children but jeopardise their own, their families, and our community public health because the system puts them in an impossible position.

The well documented 5-week delays in Universal Credit applications, which are on a steep incline, will mean children have nothing for 5 weeks although their poverty is clear, while the eligibility ’criteria’ is met in the system.

Government must scrap eligibility tests and criteria and fund schools for every FSM they provide to any child in need, at any time.

Previous question asked:
How will the DfE know how much money a school needs in order to meet growing demand for FSM without knowing how many children at each school need FSM?

Suggested answer:
They won’t. There will be an inevitable lag. The DfE must offer schools funding as demand grows, and allow them to plan securely. Schools must be able to offer families a way to indicate need, and be able to meet it, even if not ‘eligible’ for for FSM.


(1) The number of children in need of an FSM will grow over the next few weeks and months.
(2) The school census is the mechanism for telling the DfE a count of how many children are FSM eligible,  and it does not get taken next until May 21st.
(3) The January 2021 school census is the next mechanism for telling the DfE a count of how many children are FSM eligible, and taken as the basis for the count of pupil premium school funding.

Public Health England has updated its guidance for schools today. As school closures at scale may look increasingly more likely, many in civil society have called on the Government to  offer cash measures to ensure that children do not go hungry.

Health and education are both devolved issues. Who takes leadership here? It is also a question of interaction with DWP.

About 1.5 million children across the UK are currently eligible for free school meals in families living on a very low income. The precarious nature of many parents’ employment in the gig economy and service industry, will push that number higher due to the economic and health effects of the virus. Children must not experience barriers to access food and support.

Child Poverty Action Group is calling on the government to match the support it is providing to small business and boost the income of struggling families with children by increasing child benefit by £10 per week for the duration of the pandemic response, for example. This is in addition to and not instead of the actions needed on FSM. This should be step zero for the government to action.

Now is not a time for eligibility tests, conditionality or exclusion about feeding children.

    • What are the implications for eligibility, of the Budget 2020 changes in welfare criteria and coronavirus support measures?
    • How can children who become newly eligible, find out that  they are and access needed support available to them if out of school> who is responsible for approvals, and communications between families and schools if closed?
    • Many families will now be staying at home for all meals, without access to meals at work, in canteens, or staff discounts. Where supermarket shelves are empty, an increase in the number of people needing fed at home may put an additional strain on families’ supplies and budgets.

We already know,  that while 1.1 million children in English primary and secondary schools were eligible for and claiming free school meals, there were also between 2.2 million and 4.1 million children living in poverty in 2016/17, depending on the measure used. [Source: The Children’s Society.]

Table numbers* are estimated as may be have been taken on different dates and eligibility criteria vary by location.

The Government needs to do everything within its power to mitigate the effects of Coronavirus on children’s nutrition and in a sustainable solution beyond the short term. School staff across Twitter at least, seem to have plenty of ad hoc ideas going on, but there is no public guidance from the Department, at the time of writing. Local areas need empowered to support their own families based on local needs and knowledge.

Some schools are already closing. Some parents are withdrawing children as a precautionary measure. All may need support.

A. Ten things government could do quickly

1. Appoint a dedicated Local Authority central contact for
(a) families and (b) separate for school (telephone and email) — local knowledge needed to answer questions and offer support. (Note challenge D2)

2. Remove eligibility and conditionality requirements to allow all children to access FSM based on need, not current criteria. This change would remove any questions or confusion over ‘do I qualify?’ especially for families newly claiming welfare payments as part of coronavirus support measures. This may see government simply  need to treble FSM allocation, so schools can help their wider community including children not classed as eligible, but in need.

3. Make funding available now and quick to access for:

  • Breakfast club bags
  • All FSM eligible children (2-18), including infants
  • meeting need at aggregated, not individual level.

4. Emergency funding must be made accessible and quick to claim  for those families who are going to slide into poverty and become FSM eligible but may not be able to demonstrate Universal Credit eligibility for example. (Delays in UC must not delay getting FSM to a child). Schools must have discretion based on need.

5. Empower local schools to decide how to distribute this best –– as cash transfers, emergency feeding programmes, vouchers, or otherwise.

6. *Unlink FSM funding, eligibility,  and individual level pupil premium (PP) registration. [This may be a longer term issue that can be ignored for now, if not counted till the January 2021 census.] Clarify any short term, and further implications. There may be interconnected systems and implications for algorithms (at LA level) of PP system registration. Schools will need to know whether they must or must not register pupils as PP status on an individual level, or can simply meet pupils’ FSM needs.

7. Introduce a business rate relief on state schools, as afforded to private schools operating as charities.

8. The intention of any top-down imposed closures and these changes will need to be made very clear, to set staff and families and suppliers’ expectations for the potential time periods involved and allow school staff to plan capacity and funding accordingly as best they can. (Flatten the curve? Slow spread? etc)

9. Scrap the next 21 May 2020 school census day “FSM meals taken” count.

10. Give schools an extra supplies fund with flexibility, including  for unexpected additional hygiene costs and temporary staff.

And don’t forget step zero, in addition to FSM needs. Many families are soon going to be in dire straits as services and shops stop paying staff. Child Poverty Action Group is calling on the government to match the support it is providing to small business and boost the income of struggling families with children by increasing child benefit by £10 per week for the duration of the pandemic response.

B. Things schools could do

1. Appoint a dedicated school FSM questions and support contact for (a) families and (b) for other organisations who may want to refer / reach (telephone and email) with allocated school back up chain, in case of illness — local knowledge needed to answer questions and offer support.

2. ‘Cash transfers direct to individuals or households are the most effective tool in order to aid families to weather the storm (not vouchers for food aid or financial or in kind support for food aid providers including lunch clubs)‘ [Letter to Rishi Sunak MP from civil society, March 12, 2020] (Recommendation from multiple civil society orgs / charities.)

3. Schools stay open on skeleton schedule as meal collection points distributing meals from usual suppliers (cold alternatives) Schools need to best define and decide for themselves what this looks like.

4. For [rural] children on school bus routes who cannot access school, or for individuals with SEND special transport that stops, could the buses continue to run, and deliver meals to bus stop collection points (routes could need re-time tabling and contingent on safe staffing)?

5. Some schools are looking at supermarket vouchers. They will need support to be able to transfer funding from school meal suppliers if so. The least disruptive model will be to keep existing provision from current contracted suppliers. Must have flexibility.

6. Other schools are preparing food packages as a contingency to safeguard children who would not be able to access FSMs in the possible event of any future closure.

7. Contingency planning may be needed where schools plan to provide food, not cash transfers. (a) Self isolation and (b) sickness may prevent or disincentivise families receiving physical food transfers. Schools need to plan if actual food transfers becomes no longer feasible due to (a)  or (b).

8. Recognise that other partner organisations (churches, food banks, local charities, youth groups) may themselves  have reduced capacity and this may change over time. Self isolation and sickness may reduce staffing. Contingency thinking needed.

C. What is missing and questions?

    1.  Contracts between schools and supplier?
      • Force Majeure Termination Rights?
      • Safeguarding supplies: can suppliers get guaranteed / prioritised food deliveries
      • Suppliers have staff to pay etc – will they be paid for services they don’t provide if schools close?
    2. Delivery
      • What contracts are in place with suppliers?
      • Are school bus companies viable for drop off deliveries?
      • Could/should they enable children to get to school if self defeating the aims of social distancing and self isolation, or could school buses deliver meals to bus collection stops?
    3. Can schools stay open for provision
      • Assuming contingency for safe staffing: what sort of numbers of pupils / staff is viable for in-school collection of grab bags?
      • Should schools act like local food banks to support a community?
      • How will children in families that are sick or all in self isolation that cannot access the school, get support?
    4. Children’s FSM Eligibility
      • Are there implications of the Budget 2020 changes in Universal Credit and welfare criteria, for pupil premium calculations and school funding? If “UC eligible” status takes 5 weeks to reach, what does this mean for FSM? The advance payment in the 5 week must be a grant, not a loan.
      • How are newly eligible children brought into the system whilst out of school> who is responsible for the eligibility tests, and communications between families and schools if closed?
      • Destitute families with no recourse to public funds have no welfare safety net to fall back on.  “As a result, there will be an increase in homelessness, hunger and health issues amongst these families.” [Eve Dickson Project 17]
      • This matters to the DfE and the Treasury because if you are *ever* registered as FSM eligible in your period of education, you keep that eligibility for six years (ie across primary, or all of secondary school). Pupil premium is paid accordingly to schools. (Goodness knows our children’s schools need the cash, those I teach don’t even have a text book each). There are many interconnected systems and knock on implications for algorithms often at LA level, of the implications here of PP registration.
    5. The arbitrariness of taking the total number of children who eat a school meal on school census date the next Thursday 21 May 2020, as a measure of need, is likely going to be evidenced at scale. Where ‘free school meals taken’ or ‘school lunches taken’ are affected by unusual events, a day and time when the situation is regarded as normal is to be substituted. “You could use the next normal day, an earlier day in census week or the previous Thursday where that reflects the normal situation. Where other days or times are used, schools must record these for audit purposes.” [DfE school census guidance]
    6. Beyond FSM — and of secondary importance, but nonetheless  of importance for families that will now need to spend money twice in the same time period, intended for children’s lunches. Will regular school meal orders that have been pre-ordered & pre-paid by parents be fulfilled at later date?
    7. Recovery volunteers if people have had/ or not been tested but assume they have had it, can they volunteer for support?

Continue reading If schools close, what happens to children who need free school meals?

The consent model fails school children. Let’s fix it.

The Joint Committee on Human Rights report, The Right to Privacy (Article 8) and the Digital Revolution,  calls for robust regulation to govern how personal data is used and stringent enforcement of the rules.

“The consent model is broken” was among its key conclusions.

Similarly, this summer,  the Swedish DPA found, in accordance with GDPR, that consent was not a valid legal basis for a school pilot using facial recognition to keep track of students’ attendance given the clear imbalance between the data subject and the controller.

This power imbalance is at the heart of the failure of consent as a lawful basis under Art. 6, for data processing from schools.

Schools, children and their families across England and Wales currently have no mechanisms to understand which companies and third parties will process their personal data in the course of a child’s compulsory education.

Children have rights to privacy and to data protection that are currently disregarded.

  1. Fair processing is a joke.
  2. Unclear boundaries between the processing in-school and by third parties are the norm.
  3. Companies and third parties reach far beyond the boundaries of processor, necessity and proportionality, when they determine the nature of the processing: extensive data analytics,  product enhancements and development going beyond necessary for the existing relationship, or product trials.
  4. Data retention rules are as unrespected as the boundaries of lawful processing. and ‘we make the data pseudonymous / anonymous and then archive / process / keep forever’ is common.
  5. Rights are as yet almost completely unheard of for schools to explain, offer and respect, except for Subject Access. Portability for example, a requirement for consent, simply does not exist.

In paragraph 8 of its general comment No. 1, on the aims of education, the UN Convention Committee on the Rights of the Child stated in 2001:

“Children do not lose their human rights by virtue of passing through the school gates. Thus, for example, education must be provided in a way that respects the inherent dignity of the child and enables the child to express his or her views freely in accordance with article 12, para (1), and to participate in school life.”

Those rights currently unfairly compete with commercial interests. And that power balance in education is as enormous, as the data mining in the sector. The then CEO of Knewton,  Jose Ferreira said in 2012,

“the human race is about to enter a totally data mined existence…education happens to be today, the world’s most data mineable industry– by far.”

At the moment, these competing interests and the enormous power imbalance between companies and schools, and schools and families, means children’s rights are last on the list and oft ignored.

In addition, there are serious implications for the State, schools and families due to the routine dependence on key systems at scale:

  • Infrastructure dependence ie Google Education
  • Hidden risks [tangible and intangible] of freeware
  • Data distribution at scale and dependence on third party intermediaries
  • and not least, the implications for families’ mental health and stress thanks to the shift of the burden of school back office admin from schools, to the family.

It’s not a contract between children and companies either

Contract GDPR Article 6 (b) does not work either, as a basis of processing between the data processing and the data subject, because again, it’s the school that determines the need for and nature of the processing in education, and doesn’t work for children.

The European Data Protection Board published Guidelines 2/2019 on the processing of personal data under Article 6(1)(b) GDPR in the context of the provision of online services to data subjects, on October 16, 2019.

Controllers must, inter alia, take into account the impact on data subjects’ rights when identifying the appropriate lawful basis in order to respect the principle of fairness.

They also concluded that, on the capacity of children to enter into contracts, (footnote 10, page 6)

“A contractual term that has not been individually negotiated is unfair under the Unfair Contract Terms Directive “if, contrary to the requirement of good faith, it causes a significant imbalance in the parties’ rights and obligations arising under the contract, to the detriment of the consumer”.

Like the transparency obligation in the GDPR, the Unfair Contract Terms Directive mandates the use of plain, intelligible language.

Processing of personal data that is based on what is deemed to be an unfair term under the Unfair Contract Terms Directive, will generally not be consistent with the requirement under Article5(1)(a) GDPR that processing is lawful and fair.’

In relation to the processing of special categories of personal data, in the guidelines on consent, WP29 has also observed that Article 9(2) does not recognize ‘necessary for the performance of a contract’ as an exception to the general prohibition to process special categories of data.

They too also found:

it is completely inappropriate to use consent when processing children’s data: children aged 13 and older are, under the current legal framework, considered old enough to consent to their data being used, even though many adults struggle to understand what they are consenting to.

Can we fix it?

Consent models fail school children. Contracts can’t be between children and companies. So what do we do instead?

Schools’ statutory tasks rely on having a legal basis under data protection law, the public task lawful basis Article 6(e) under GDPR, which implies accompanying lawful obligations and responsibilities of schools towards children. They cannot rely on (f) legitimate interests. This 6(e) does not extend directly to third parties.

Third parties should operate on the basis of contract with the school, as processors, but nothing more. That means third parties do not become data controllers. Schools stay the data controller.

Where that would differ with current practice, is that most processors today stray beyond necessary tasks and become de facto controllers. Sometimes because of the everyday processing and having too much of a determining role in the definition of purposes or not allowing changes to terms and conditions; using data to develop their own or new products, for extensive data analytics, the location of processing and data transfers, and very often because of excessive retention.

Although the freedom of the mish-mash of procurement models across UK schools on an individual basis, learning grids, MATs, Local Authorities and no-one-size-fits-all model may often be a good thing, the lack of consistency today means your child’s privacy and data protection are in a postcode lottery. Instead we need:

  • a radical rethink the use of consent models, and home-school agreements to obtain manufactured ‘I agree’ consent.
  • to radically articulate and regulate what good looks like, for interactions between children and companies facilitated by schools, and
  • radically redesign a contract model which enables only that processing which is within the limitations of a processors remit and therefore does not need to rely on consent.

It would mean radical changes in retention as well. Processors can only process for only as long as the legal basis extends from the school. That should generally be only the time for which a child is in school, and using that product in the course of their education. And certainly data must not stay with an indefinite number of companies and their partners, once the child has left that class, year, or left school and using the tool. Schools will need to be able to bring in part of the data they outsource to third parties for learning, *if* they need it as evidence or part of the learning record, into the educational record.

Where schools close (or the legal entity shuts down and no one thinks of the school records [yes, it happens], change name, and reopen in the same walls as under academisation) there must be a designated controller communicated before the change occurs.

The school fence is then something that protects the purposes of the child’s data for education, for life, and is the go to for questions. The child has a visible and manageable digital footprint. Industry can be confident that they do indeed have a lawful basis for processing.

Schools need to be within a circle of competence

This would need an independent infrastructure we do not have today, but need to draw on.

  • Due diligence,
  • communication to families and children of agreed processors on an annual basis,
  • an opt out mechanism that works,
  • alternative lesson content on offer to meet a similar level of offering for those who do,
  • and end-of-school-life data usage reports.

The due diligence in procurement, in data protection impact assessment, and accountability needs to be done up front, removed from the classroom teacher’s responsibility who is in an impossible position having had no basic teacher training in privacy law or data protection rights, and the documents need published in consultation with governors and parents, before beginning processing.

However, it would need to have a baseline of good standards that simply does not exist today.

That would also offer a public safeguard for processing at scale, where a company is not notifying the DPA due to small numbers of children at each school, but where overall group processing of special category (sensitive) data could be for millions of children.

Where some procurement structures might exist today, in left over learning grids, their independence is compromised by corporate partnerships and excessive freedoms.

While pre-approval of apps and platforms can fail where the onus is on the controller to accept a product at a point in time, the power shift would occur where products would not be permitted to continue processing without notifying of significant change in agreed activities, owner, storage of data abroad and so on.

We shift the power balance back to schools, where they can trust a procurement approval route, and children and families can trust schools to only be working with suppliers that are not overstepping the boundaries of lawful processing.

What might school standards look like?

The first principles of necessity, proportionality, data minimisation would need to be demonstrable — just as required under data protection law for many years, and is more explicit under GDPR’s accountability principle. The scope of the school’s authority must be limited to data processing for defined educational purposes under law and only these purposes can be carried over to the processor. It would need legislation and a Code of Practice, and ongoing independent oversight. Violations could mean losing the permission to be a provider in the UK school system. Data processing failures would be referred to the ICO.

  1. Purposes: A duty on the purposes of processing to be for necessary for strictly defined educational purposes.
  2. Service Improvement: Processing personal information collected from children to improve the product would be very narrow and constrained to the existing product and relationship with data subjects — i.e security, not secondary product development.
  3. Deletion: Families and children must still be able to request deletion of personal information collected by vendors which do not form part of the permanent educational record. And a ‘clean slate’ approach for anything beyond the necessary educational record, which would in any event, be school controlled.
  4. Fairness: Whilst at school, the school has responsibility for communication to the child and family how their personal data are processed.
  5. Post-school accountability as the data, resides with the school: On leaving school the default for most companies, should be deletion of all personal data, provided by the data subject, by the school, and inferred from processing.  For remaining data, the school should become the data controller and the data transferred to the school. For any remaining company processing, it must be accountable as controller on demand to both the school and the individual, and at minimum communicate data usage on an annual basis to the school.
  6. Ongoing relationships: Loss of communication channels should be assumed to be a withdrawal of relationship and data transferred to the school, if not deleted.
  7. Data reuse and repurposing for marketing explicitly forbidden. Vendors must be prohibited from using information for secondary [onward or indirect] reuse, for example in product or external marketing to pupils or parents.
  8. Families must still be able to object to processing, on an ad hoc basis, but at no detriment to the child, and an alternative method of achieving the same aims must be offered.
  9. Data usage reports would become the norm to close the loop on an annual basis.  “Here’s what we said we’d do at the start of the year. Here’s where your data actually went, and why.”
  10.  In addition, minimum acceptable ethical standards could be framed around for example, accessibility, and restrictions on in-product advertising.

There must be no alternative back route to just enough processing

What we should not do, is introduce workarounds by the back door.

Schools are not to carry on as they do today, manufacturing ‘consent’ which is in fact unlawful. It’s why Google, despite the objection when I set this out some time ago, is processing unlawfully. They rely on consent that simply cannot and does not exist.

The U.S. schools model wording would similarly fail GDPR tests, in that schools cannot ‘consent’ on behalf of children or families. I believe that in practice the US has weakened what should be strong protections for school children, by having the too expansive  “school official exception” found in the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (“FERPA”), and as described in Protecting Student Privacy While Using Online Educational Services: Requirements and Best Practices.

Companies can also work around their procurement pathways.

In parallel timing, the US Federal Trade Commission’s has a consultation open until December 9th, on the Implementation of the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Rule, the COPPA consultation.

The COPPA Rule “does not preclude schools from acting as intermediaries between operators and schools in the notice and consent process, or from serving as the parents’ agent in the process.”

‘There has been a significant expansion of education technology used in classrooms’, the FTC mused before asking whether the Commission should consider a specific exception to parental consent for the use of education technology used in the schools.

In a backwards approach to agency and the development of a rights respecting digital environment for the child, the consultation in effect suggests that we mould our rights mechanisms to fit the needs of business.

That must change. The ecosystem needs a massive shift to acknowledge that if it is to be GDPR compliant, which is a rights respecting regulation, then practice must become rights respecting.

That means meeting children and families reasonable expectations. If I send my daughter to school, and we are required to use a product that processes our personal data, it must be strictly for the *necessary* purposes of the task that the school asks of the company, and the child/ family expects, and not a jot more.

Borrowing on Ben Green’s smart enough city concept, or Rachel Coldicutt’s just enough Internet, UK school edTech suppliers should be doing just enough processing.

How it is done in the U.S. governed by FERPA law is imperfect and still results in too many privacy invasions, but it offers a regional model of expertise for schools to rely on, and strong contractual agreements of what is permitted.

That, we could build on. It could be just enough, to get it right.

Swedish Data Protection Authority decision published on facial recognition (English version)

In August 2019, the Swedish DPA fined Skellefteå Municipality, Secondary Education Board 200 000 SEK (approximately 20 000 euros) pursuant to the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 for using facial recognition technology to monitor the attendance of school children.

The Authority has now made a 14-page translation of the decision available in English on its site, that can be downloaded.

This facial recognition technology trial, compared images from  camera surveillance with pre-registered images of the face of each child, and processed first and last name.

In the preamble, the decision recognised that the General Data Protection Regulation does not contain any derogations for pilot or trial activities.

In summary, the Authority concluded that by using facial recognition via camera to monitor school children’s attendance, the Secondary Education Board (Gymnasienämnden) in the municipality of Skellefteå (Skellefteå kommun) processed personal data that was unnecessary, excessively invasive, and unlawful; with regard to

  • Article 5 of the General Data Protection Regulation by processing personal data in a manner that is more intrusive than necessary and encompasses more personal data than is necessary for the specified purpose (monitoring of attendance)
  • Article 9 processing special category personal data (biometric data) without having a valid derogation from the prohibition on the processing of special categories of personal data,


  • Articles 35 and 36 by failing to fulfil the requirements for an impact assessment and failing to carry out prior consultation with the Swedish Data Protection Authority.


Perhaps the most significant part of the decision is the first officially documented recognition in education data processing under GDPR, that consent fails, even though explicit guardians’ consent was requested and it was possible to opt out.  It recognised that this was about processing the personal data of children in a disempowered relationship and environment.

It makes the assessment that consent was not freely given. It is widely recognised that consent cannot be a tick box exercise,  and that any choice must be informed. However, little attention has yet been given in GDPR circles, to the power imbalance of relationships, especially for children.

The decision recognised that the relationship that exists between the data subject and the controller, namely the balance of power, is significant in assessing whether a genuine choice exists, and whether or not it can be freely given without detriment. The scope for voluntary consent within the public sphere is limited:

“As regards the school sector, it is clear that the students are in a position of dependence with respect to the school …”

The Education Board had said that consent was the basis for the processing of the facial recognition in attendance monitoring.

With the Data Protection Authority’s assessment that the consent was invalid, the lawful basis for processing fell away.

The importance of necessity

The basis for processing was consent 6(1)(a), not 6(1)(e) ‘necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the controller’ so as to process special category [sensitive] personal data.

However the same test of necessity, was also important in this case. Recital 39 of GDPR requires that personal data should be processed only if the purpose of the processing could not reasonably be fulfilled by other means.

The Swedish Data Protection Authority recognised and noted that, while there is a legal basis for administering student attendance at school, there is no explicit legal basis for performing the task through the processing of special categories of personal data or in any other manner which entails a greater invasion of privacy — put simply, taking the register via facial recognition did not meet the data protection test of being necessary and proportionate. There are less privacy invasive alternatives available, and on balance, the rights of the individual outweigh those of the data processor.

While some additional considerations were made for local Swedish data protection law,  (the Data Protection Act (prop. 2017/18:105 Ny dataskyddslag)) even those exceptional provisions were not intended to be applied routinely to everyday tasks.

Considering rights by design

The decision refers to  the document provided by the school board, Skellefteå kommun – Framtidens klassrum (Skelleftå municipality – The classroom of the future). In the appendix (p. 5), “it noted one advantage of facial recognition is that it is easy to register a large group such as a class in bulk. The disadvantages mentioned include that it is a technically advanced solution which requires a relatively large number of images of each individual, that the camera must have a free line of sight to all students who are present, and that any headdress/shawls may cause the identification process to fail.”

The Board did not submit a prior consultation for data protection impact assessment to the Authority under Article 36. The Authority considered that a number of factors indicated that the processing operations posed a high risk to the rights and freedoms of the individuals concerned but that these were inadequately addressed, and failed to assess the proportionality of the processing in relation to its purposes.

For example, the processing operations involved
a) the use of new technology,
b) special categories of personal data,
c) children,
d) and a power imbalance between the parties.

As the risk assessment submitted by the Board did not demonstrate an assessment of relevant risks to the rights and freedoms of the data subjects [and its mitigations], the decision noted that the high risks pursuant to Article 36 had not been reduced.

What’s next for the UK

The Swedish Data Protection Authority identifies some important points in perhaps the first significant GDPR ruling in the education sector so far, and much will apply school data processing in the UK.

What may surprise some, is that this decision was not about the distribution of the data; since the data was stored on a local computer without any internet connection.  It was not about security, since the computer was kept in a locked cupboard. It was about the fundamentals of basic data protection and rights to privacy for children in the school environment, under the law.

Processing must meet the tests of necessity. Necessary is not defined by a lay test of convenience.

Processing must be lawful. Consent is rarely going to offer a lawful basis for routine processing in schools, and especially when it comes to the risks to the rights and freedoms of the child when processing biometric data, consent fails to offer satisfactory and adequate lawful grounds for processing, due to the power imbalance.

Data should be accurate, be only the minimum necessary and proportionate, and not respect the fundamental rights of the child.

The Swedish DPA fined Skellefteå Municipality, Secondary Education Board 200 000 SEK (approximately 20 000 euros). According to Article 83 (1) of the General Data Protection Regulation, supervisory authorities must ensure that the imposition of administrative fines is effective, proportionate and dissuasive, and in this case, is designed to end the processing infringements.

The GDPR, as preceding data protection law did, offers a route for data controllers and processors to understand what is lawful, and it demands their accountability to be able to demonstrate they are.

Whether children in the UK will find that it affords them their due protections, now depends on its enforcement like this case.

Thoughts on the Online Harms White Paper (I)

“Whatever the social issue we want to grasp – the answer should always begin with family.”

Not my words, but David Cameron’s. Just five years ago, Conservative policy was all about “putting families at the centre of domestic policy-making.”

Debate on the Online Harms White Paper, thanks in part to media framing of its own departmental making, is almost all about children. But I struggle with the debate that leaves out our role as parents almost entirely, other than as bereft or helpless victims ourselves.

I am conscious wearing my other hat of defenddigitalme, that not all families are the same, and not all children have families. Yet it seems counter to conservative values,  for a party that places the family traditionally at the centre of policy, to leave out or abdicate parents of responsibility for their children’s actions and care online.

Parental responsibility cannot be outsourced to tech companies, or accept it’s too hard to police our children’s phones. If we as parents are concerned about harms, it is our responsibility to enable access to that which is not, and be aware and educate ourselves and our children on what is. We are aware of what they read in books. I cast an eye over what they borrow or buy. I play a supervisory role.

Brutal as it may be, the Internet is not responsible for suicide. It’s just not that simple. We cannot bring children back from the dead. We certainly can as society and policy makers, try and create the conditions that harms are not normalised, and do not become more common.  And seek to reduce risk. But few would suggest social media is a single source of children’s mental health issues.

What policy makers are trying to regulate is in essence, not a single source of online harms but 2.1 billion users’ online behaviours.

It follows that to see social media as a single source of attributable fault per se, is equally misplaced. A one-size-fits-all solution is going to be flawed, but everyone seems to have accepted its inevitability.

So how will we make the least bad law?

If we are to have sound law that can be applied around what is lawful,  we must reduce the substance of debate by removing what is already unlawful and has appropriate remedy and enforcement.

Debate must also try to be free from emotive content and language.

I strongly suspect the language around ‘our way of life’ and ‘values’ in the White Paper comes from the Home Office. So while it sounds fair and just, we must remember reality in the background of TOEIC, of Windrush, of children removed from school because their national records are being misused beyond educational purposes. The Home Office is no friend of child rights, and does not foster the societal values that break down discrimination and harm. It instead creates harms of its own making, and division by design.

I’m going to quote Graham Smith, for I cannot word it better.

“Harms to society, feature heavily in the White Paper, for example: content or activity that:

“threatens our way of life in the UK, either by undermining national security, or by reducing trust and undermining our shared rights, responsibilities and opportunities to foster integration.”


“undermine our democratic values and debate”;

“encouraging us to make decisions that could damage our health, undermining our respect and tolerance for each other and confusing our understanding of what is happening in the wider world.”

This kind of prose may befit the soapbox or an election manifesto, but has no place in or near legislation.”

[Cyberleagle, April 18, 2019,Users Behaving Badly – the Online Harms White Paper]

My key concern in this area is that through a feeling of ‘it is all awful’ stems the sense that ‘all regulation will be better than now’, and  comes with a real risk of increasing current practices that would not be better than now, and in fact need fixing.

More monitoring

The first, is today’s general monitoring of school children’s Internet content for risk and harms, which creates unintended consequences and very real harms of its own — at the moment, without oversight.

In yesterday’s House of Lords debate, Lord Haskel, said,

“This is the practicality of monitoring the internet. When the duty of care required by the White Paper becomes law, companies and regulators will have to do a lot more of it. ” [April 30, HOL]

The Brennan Centre yesterday published its research on the spend by US schools purchasing social media monitoring software from 2013-18, and highlighted some of the issues:

Aside from anecdotes promoted by the companies that sell this software, there is no proof that these surveillance tools work [compared with other practices]. But there are plenty of risks. In any context, social media is ripe for misinterpretation and misuse.” [Brennan Centre for Justice, April 30, 209]

That monitoring software focuses on two things —

a) seeing children through the lens of terrorism and extremism, and b) harms caused by them to others, or as victims of harms by others, or self-harm.

It is the near same list of ‘harms’ topics that the White Paper covers. Co-driven by the same department interested in it in schools — the Home Office.

These concerns are set in the context of the direction of travel of law and policy making, its own loosening of accountability and process.

It was preceded by a House of Commons discussion on Social Media and Health, lead by the former Minister for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport who seems to feel more at home in that sphere, than in health.

His unilateral award of funds to the Samaritans for work with Google and Facebook on a duty of care, while the very same is still under public consultation, is surprising to say the least.

But it was his response to this question, which points to the slippery slope such regulations may lead. The Freedom of Speech champions should be most concerned not even by what is potentially in any legislation ahead, but in the direction of travel and debate around it.

“Will he look at whether tech giants such as Amazon can be brought into the remit of the Online Harms White Paper?

He replied, that “Amazon sells physical goods for the most part and surely has a duty of care to those who buy them, in the same way that a shop has a responsibility for what it sells. My hon. Friend makes an important point, which I will follow up.”

Mixed messages

The Center for Democracy and Technology recommended in its 2017 report, Mixed Messages? The Limits of Automated Social Media Content Analysis, that the use of automated content analysis tools to detect or remove illegal content should never be mandated in law.

Debate so far has demonstrated broad gaps between what is wanted, in knowledge, and what is possible. If behaviours are to be stopped because they are undesirable rather than unlawful, we open up a whole can of worms if not done with the greatest attention to  detail.

Lord Stevenson and Lord McNally both suggested that pre-legislative scrutiny of the Bill, and more discussion would be positive. Let’s hope it happens.

Here’s my personal first reflections on the Online Harms White Paper discussion so far.

Six suggestions:

Suggestion one: 

The Law Commission Review, mentioned in the House of Lords debate,  may provide what I have been thinking of crowd sourcing and now may not need to. A list of laws that the Online Harms White Paper related discussion reaches into, so that we can compare what is needed in debate versus what is being sucked in. We should aim to curtail emotive discussion of broad risk and threat that people experience online. This would enable the themes which are already covered in law to be avoided, and focus on the gaps.  It would make for much tighter and more effective legislation. For example, the Crown Prosecution Service offers Guidelines on prosecuting cases involving communications sent via social media, but a wider list of law is needed.

Suggestion two:
After (1) defining what legislation is lacking, definitions must be very clear, narrow, and consistent across other legislation. Not for the regulator to determine ad-hoc and alone.

Suggestion three:
If children’s rights are at to be so central in discussion on this paper, then their wider rights must including privacy and participation, access to information and freedom of speech must be included in debate. This should include academic research-based evidence of children’s experience online when making the regulations.

Suggestion four:
Internet surveillance software in schools should be publicly scrutinised. A review should establish the efficacy, boundaries and oversight of policy and practice regards Internet monitoring for harms and not embed even more, without it. Boundaries should be put into legislation for clarity and consistency.

Suggestion five:
Terrorist activity or child sexual exploitation and abuse (CSEA) online are already unlawful and should not need additional Home Office powers. Great caution must be exercised here.

Suggestion six: 
Legislation could and should encapsulate accountability and oversight for micro-targeting and algorithmic abuse.

More detail behind my thinking, follows below, after the break. [Structure rearranged on May 14, 2019]

Continue reading Thoughts on the Online Harms White Paper (I)

The power of imagination in public policy

“A new, a vast, and a powerful language is developed for the future use of analysis, in which to wield its truths so that these may become of more speedy and accurate practical application for the purposes of mankind than the means hitherto in our possession have rendered possible.” [on Ada Lovelace, The First tech Visionary, New Yorker, 2013]

What would Ada Lovelace have argued for in today’s AI debates? I think she may have used her voice not only to call for the good use of data analysis, but for her second strength.The power of her imagination.

James Ball recently wrote in The European [1]:

“It is becoming increasingly clear that the modern political war isn’t one against poverty, or against crime, or drugs, or even the tech giants – our modern political era is dominated by a war against reality.”

My overriding take away from three days spent at the Conservative Party Conference this week, was similar. It reaffirmed the title of a school debate I lost at age 15, ‘We only believe what we want to believe.’

James writes that it is, “easy to deny something that’s a few years in the future“, and that Conservatives, “especially pro-Brexit Conservatives – are sticking to that tried-and-tested formula: denying the facts, telling a story of the world as you’d like it to be, and waiting for the votes and applause to roll in.”

These positions are not confined to one party’s politics, or speeches of future hopes, but define perception of current reality.

I spent a lot of time listening to MPs. To Ministers, to Councillors, and to party members. At fringe events, in coffee queues, on the exhibition floor. I had conversations pressed against corridor walls as small press-illuminated swarms of people passed by with Queen Johnson or Rees-Mogg at their centre.

In one panel I heard a primary school teacher deny that child poverty really exists, or affects learning in the classroom.

In another, in passing, a digital Minister suggested that Pupil Referral Units (PRU) are where most of society’s ills start, but as a Birmingham head wrote this week, “They’ll blame the housing crisis on PRUs soon!” and “for the record, there aren’t gang recruiters outside our gates.”

This is no tirade on failings of public policymakers however. While it is easy to suspect malicious intent when you are at, or feel, the sharp end of policies which do harm, success is subjective.

It is clear that an overwhelming sense of self-belief exists in those responsible, in the intent of any given policy to do good.

Where policies include technology, this is underpinned by a self re-affirming belief in its power. Power waiting to be harnessed by government and the public sector. Even more appealing where it is sold as a cost-saving tool in cash strapped councils. Many that have cut away human staff are now trying to use machine power to make decisions. Some of the unintended consequences of taking humans out of the process, are catastrophic for human rights.

Sweeping human assumptions behind such thinking on social issues and their causes, are becoming hard coded into algorithmic solutions that involve identifying young people who are in danger of becoming involved in crime using “risk factors” such as truancy, school exclusion, domestic violence and gang membership.

The disconnect between perception of risk, the reality of risk, and real harm, whether perceived or felt from these applied policies in real-life, is not so much, ‘easy to deny something that’s a few years in the future‘ as Ball writes, but a denial of the reality now.

Concerningly, there is lack of imagination of what real harms look like.There is no discussion where sometimes these predictive policies have no positive, or even a negative effect, and make things worse.

I’m deeply concerned that there is an unwillingness to recognise any failures in current data processing in the public sector, particularly at scale, and where it regards the well-known poor quality of administrative data. Or to be accountable for its failures.

Harms, existing harms to individuals, are perceived as outliers. Any broad sweep of harms across policy like Universal Credit, seem perceived as political criticism, which makes the measurable failures less meaningful, less real, and less necessary to change.

There is a worrying growing trend of finger-pointing exclusively at others’ tech failures instead. In particular, social media companies.

Imagination and mistaken ideas are reinforced where the idea is plausible, and shared. An oft heard and self-affirming belief was repeated in many fora between policymakers, media, NGOs regards children’s online safety. “There is no regulation online”. In fact, much that applies offline applies online. The Crown Prosecution Service Social Media Guidelines is a good place to start. [2] But no one discusses where children’s lives may be put at risk or less safe, through the use of state information about them.

Policymakers want data to give us certainty. But many uses of big data, and new tools appear to do little more than quantify moral fears, and yet still guide real-life interventions in real-lives.

Child abuse prediction, and school exclusion interventions should not be test-beds for technology the public cannot scrutinise or understand.

In one trial attempting to predict exclusion, this recent UK research project in 2013-16 linked children’s school records of 800 children in 40 London schools, with Metropolitan Police arrest records of all the participants. It found interventions created no benefit, and may have caused harm. [3]

“Anecdotal evidence from the EiE-L core workers indicated that in some instances schools informed students that they were enrolled on the intervention because they were the “worst kids”.”

Keeping students in education, by providing them with an inclusive school environment, which would facilitate school bonds in the context of supportive student–teacher relationships, should be seen as a key goal for educators and policy makers in this area,” researchers suggested.

But policy makers seem intent to use systems that tick boxes, and create triggers to single people out, with quantifiable impact.

Some of these systems are known to be poor, or harmful.

When it comes to predicting and preventing child abuse, there is concern with the harms in US programmes ahead of us, such as both Pittsburgh, and Chicago that has scrapped its programme.

The Illinois Department of Children and Family Services ended a high-profile program that used computer data mining to identify children at risk for serious injury or death after the agency’s top official called the technology unreliable, and children still died.

“We are not doing the predictive analytics because it didn’t seem to be predicting much,” DCFS Director Beverly “B.J.” Walker told the Tribune.

Many professionals in the UK share these concerns. How long will they be ignored and children be guinea pigs without transparent error rates, or recognition of the potential harmful effects?

Helen Margetts, Director of the Oxford Internet Institute and Programme Director for Public Policy at the Alan Turing Institute, suggested at the IGF event this week, that stopping the use of these AI in the public sector is impossible. We could not decide that, “we’re not doing this until we’ve decided how it’s going to be.” It can’t work like that.” [45:30]

Why on earth not? At least for these high risk projects.

How long should children be the test subjects of machine learning tools at scale, without transparent error rates, audit, or scrutiny of their systems and understanding of unintended consequences?

Is harm to any child a price you’re willing to pay to keep using these systems to perhaps identify others, while we don’t know?

Is there an acceptable positive versus negative outcome rate?

The evidence so far of AI in child abuse prediction is not clearly showing that more children are helped than harmed.

Surely it’s time to stop thinking, and demand action on this.

It doesn’t take much imagination, to see the harms. Safe technology, and safe use of data, does not prevent the imagination or innovation, employed for good.

If we continue to ignore views from Patrick Brown, Ruth Gilbert, Rachel Pearson and Gene Feder, Charmaine Fletcher, Mike Stein, Tina Shaw and John Simmonds I want to know why.

Where you are willing to sacrifice certainty of human safety for the machine decision, I want someone to be accountable for why.



[1] James Ball, The European, Those waging war against reality are doomed to failure, October 4, 2018.

[2] Thanks to Graham Smith for the link. “Social Media – Guidelines on prosecuting cases involving communications sent via social media. The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) , August 2018.”

[3] Obsuth, I., Sutherland, A., Cope, A. et al. J Youth Adolescence (2017) 46: 538. London Education and Inclusion Project (LEIP): Results from a Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial of an Intervention to Reduce School Exclusion and Antisocial Behavior (March 2016)

Leaving Facebook and flaws in Face Recognition

This Facebook ad was the final straw for me this week.

I’m finally leaving.

When I saw Facebook’s disingenuous appropriation of new data law as-a-good-thing I decided time’s up. While Zuckerberg talks about giving users more control, what they are doing is steering users away from better privacy and putting users outside the reach of new protections rather than stepping up to meet its obligations.

After eleven years, I’m done. I’ve used Facebook to run a business.  I’ve used it to keep in touch with real-life family and friends. I’ve had more positive than negative experiences on the site. But I’ve packed in my personal account.

I hadn’t actively used it since 2015. My final post that year was about Acxiom’s data broker agreement with Facebook. It has taken 3 hours to download  any remaining data, to review and remove others’ tags, posts and shared content linking me. I had already deactivated 18 apps, and have now used each individual ID that the Facebook-App link provided, to make Subject Access requests (SAR) and object to processing. Some were easy. Some weren’t.

Pinterest and Hootsuite were painful circular loops of online ‘support’ that didn’t offer any easy way to contact them.  But to their credit Hootsuite Twitter message support was ultra fast and suggested an email to hootsuite-dpa [at] Amazon required a log in to the Amazon account. Apple’s Aperture goes into a huge general page impossible to find any easy link to contact.  Ditto Networked Blogs.

Another app that has no name offered a link direct to a pre-filled form with no contact details and no option for free text you can send only the message please delete any data you hold about me — not make a SAR.

Another has a policy but no Data Controller listed. Who is ? Ideas welcome.

What about our personal data rights?

The Facebook ad says, you will be able to access, download or delete your data at any time. Not according to the definition of personal data we won’t.  And Facebook knows it. As Facebook’s new terms and condition says, some things that you do on Facebook aren’t stored in your account. For example, a friend may have messages from you after deletion. They don’t even mention data inferred. This information remains after you delete your account. It’s not ‘your’ data because it belongs to the poster, it seems according to Facebook. But it’s ‘your’ data because the data are about or related to you according to data protection law.

Rights are not about ownership.

That’s what Facebook appears to want to fail to understand. Or perhaps wants the reader to fail to understand. Subject Access requests should reveal this kind of data, and we all have a right to know what the Facebook user interface limits-by-design. But Facebook still keeps this hidden, while saying we have control.

Meanwhile, what is it doing?  Facebook appears to be running scared and removing  recourse to better rights.

Facebook, GDPR and flaws in Face Recognition

They’ve also started running Face Recognition. With the new feature enabled, you’re notified if you appear in a photo even if not tagged.

How will we be notified if we’re not tagged? Presumably Facebook uses previously stored facial images that were tagged, and is matching them using an image library behind the scenes.

In the past I have been mildly annoyed when friends who should know me better, have posted photos of my children on Facebook.

Moments like children’s birthday parties can mean a photo posted of ten fun-filled faces in which ten parents are tagged. Until everyone knew I’d rather they didn’t, I was often  tagged in photos of my young children.  Or rather my children were tagged as me.

Depending on your settings, you’ll receive a notification when someone tags a photo with your name.  Sure I can go and untag it, to change the audience that can see it, but cannot have control over it.

Facebook meanwhile pushes this back as if it is a flaw with the user and in a classic victim-blaming move suggests it’s your fault you don’t like it, not their failure to meet privacy-by-design, by saying,  If you don’t like something you’re tagged in, you can remove the tag or ask the person who tagged you to remove the post.

There is an illusion of control being given to the user, by companies and government at the moment. We must not let that illusion become the accepted norm.

Children whose parents are not on the site cannot get notifications. A parent may have no Facebook account.  (A child under 13 should no Facebook account, although Facebook has tried to grab those too.) The child with no account may never know, but Facebook is certainly processing, and might be building up a shadow profile about, the nameless child with face X anyway.

What happens next?

As GDPR requires a share of accountability for controller and processing responsibilities, what will it mean for posters who do so without consent of the people in photos? For Facebook it should mean they cannot process using biometric profiling, and its significant effects may be hidden or, especially for children, only appear in the future.

Does Facebook process across photos held on other platforms?

Since it was founded, Facebook has taken over several social media companies, the most familiar of which are Instagram in 2012 and WhatsApp in 2014. Facebook has also bought Oculus VR [VR headsets], Ascenta [drones], and ProtoGeo Oy [fitness trackers].

Bloomberg reported at the end of February that  a lawsuit alleging Facebook Inc. photo scanning technology flouts users’ privacy rights can proceed.

As TechCrunch summarised, when asked to clear a higher bar for privacy, Facebook has instead delved into design tricks to keep from losing our data.

Facebook needs to axe Face Recognition, or make it work in ways that are lawful, to face up to its responsibilities, and fast.

The Cambridge Analytica scandal has also brought personalised content targeting into the spotlight, but we are yet to see really constructive steps to row back to more straightfoward advertising, and away from todays’s highly invasive models of data collection and content micro-targeting designed to to grab your personalised attention.

Meanwhile policy makers and media are obsessed with screen time limits as a misplaced, over-simplified solution to complex problems, in young people using social media, which are more commonly likely to be exacerbating existing conditions and demonstrate correlations rather than cause.

Children are stuck in the middle.

Their rights to protection, privacy, reputation and participation must not become a political playground.

Are UK teacher and pupil profile data stolen, lost and exposed?

Update received from Edmodo, VP Marketing & Adoption, June 1:

While everyone is focused on #WannaCry ransomware, it appears that a global edTech company has had a potential global data breach that few are yet talking about.

Edmodo is still claiming on its website it is, “The safest and easiest way for teachers to connect and collaborate with students, parents, and each other.” But is it true, and who verifies that safe is safe?

Edmodo data from 78 million users for sale

Matt Burgess wrote in VICE: “Education website Edmodo promises a way for “educators to connect and collaborate with students, parents, and each other”. However, 78 million of its customers have had their user account details stolen. Vice’s Motherboard reports that usernames, email addresses, and hashed passwords were taken from the service and have been put up for sale on the dark web for around $1,000 (£700).

“Data breach notification website LeakBase also has a copy of the data and provided it to Motherboard. According to LeakBase around 40 million of the accounts have email addresses connected to them. The company said it is aware of a “potential security incident” and is investigating.”

The Motherboard article by Joseph Cox, says it happened last month. What has been done since? Why is there no public information or notification about the breach on the company website?

Joseph doesn’t think profile photos are at risk, unless someone can log into an account. He was given usernames, email addresses, and hashed passwords, and as far as he knows, that was all that was stolen.

“The passwords have apparently been hashed with the robust bcrypt algorithm, and a string of random characters known as a salt, meaning hackers will have a much harder time obtaining user’s actual login credentials. Not all of the records include a user email address.”

Going further back, it looks like Edmodo’s weaknesses had already been identified 4 years ago. Did anything change?

So far I’ve been unable to find out from Edmodo directly. There is no telephone technical support. There is no human that can be reached dialling the headquarters telephone number.

Where’s the parental update?

No one has yet responded to say whether UK pupils and teachers’ data was among that reportedly stolen. (Update June 1, the company did respond with confirmation of UK users involved.)

While there is no mention of the other data the site holds being in the breach, details are as yet sketchy, and Edmodo holds children’s data. Where is the company assurance what was and was not stolen?

As it’s a platform log on I would want to know when parents will be told exactly what was compromised and how details have been exposed. I would want clarification if this could potentially be a weakness for further breaches of other integrated systems, or not.

Are edTech and IoT toys fit for UK children?

In 2016, more than 727,000 UK children had their information compromised following a cyber attack on VTech, including images. These toys are sold as educational, even if targeted at an early age.

In Spring 2017, CloudPets, the maker of Internet of Things teddy bears, “smart toys” left more than two million voice recordings from children online without any security protections and exposing children’s personal details.

As yet UK ministers have declined our civil society recommendations to act and take steps on the public sector security of national pupil data or on the private security of Internet connected toys and things. The latter in line with Germany for example.

It is right that the approach is considered. The UK government must take these risks seriously in an evidence based and informed way, and act, not with knee jerk reactions. But it must act.

Two months after Germany banned the Cayla doll, we still had them for sale here.

Parents are often accused of being uninformed, but we must be able to expect that our products pass a minimum standard of tech and data security testing as part of pre-sale consumer safety testing.

Parents have a responsibility to educate themselves to a reasonable level of user knowledge. But the opportunities are limited when there’s no transparency. Much of the use of a child’s personal data and system data’s interaction with our online behaviour, in toys, things, and even plain websites remains hidden to most of us.

So too, the Edmodo privacy policy contained no mention of profiling or behavioural web tracking, for example. Only when this savvy parent spotted it was happening, it appears the company responded properly to fix it. Given strict COPPA rules it is perhaps unsurprising, though it shouldn’t have happened at all.

How will the uses of these smart toys, and edTech apps be made safe, and is the government going to update regulations to do so?

Are public sector policy, practice and people, fit for managing UK children’s data privacy needs?

While these private edTech companies used directly in schools can expose children to risk, so too does public data collected in schools, being handed out to commercial companies, by government departments. Our UK government does not model good practice.

Two years on, I’m still working on asking for fixes in basic national pupil data improvement.  To make safe data policy, this is far too slow.

The Department for Education is still cagey about transparency, not telling schools it gives away national pupil data including to commercial companies without pupil or parental knowledge, and hides the Home Office use, now on a monthly basis, by not publishing it on a regular basis.

These uses of data are not safe, and expose children to potential greater theft, loss and selling of their personal data. It must change.

Whether the government hands out children’s data to commercial companies at national level and doesn’t tell schools, or staff in schools do it directly through in-class app registrations, it is often done without consent, and without any privacy impact assessment or due diligence up front. Some send data to the US or Australia. Schools still tell parents these are ‘required’ without any choice. But have they ensured that there is an equal and adequate level of data protection offered to personal data that they extract from the SIMs?


School staff and teachers manage, collect, administer personal data daily, including signing up children as users of web accounts with technology providers. Very often telling parents after the event, and with no choice. How can they and not put others at risk, if untrained in the basics of good data handling practices?

In our UK schools, just like the health system, the basics are still not being fixed or good practices on offer to staff. Teachers in the UK, get no data privacy or data protection training in their basic teacher training. That’s according to what I’ve been told so far from teacher trainers, CDP leaders, union members and teachers themselves,

Would you train fire fighters without ever letting them have hose practice?

Infrastructure is known to be exposed and under invested, but it’s not all about the tech. Security investment must also be in people.

Systemic failures seen this week revealed by WannaCry are not limited to the NHS. This from George Danezis could be, with few tweaks, copy pasted into education. So the question is not if, but when the same happens in education, unless it’s fixed.

“…from poor security standards in heath informatics industries; poor procurement processes in heath organizations; lack of liability on any of the software vendors (incl. Microsoft) for providing insecure software or devices; cost-cutting from the government on NHS cyber security with no constructive alternatives to mitigate risks; and finally the UK/US cyber-offense doctrine that inevitably leads to proliferation of cyber-weapons and their use on civilian critical infrastructures.” [Original post]